2024 Annual Report

See how MarineLab's supporters have helped us reach more students and teachers!

2024 Annual Report

51 Shoreland Drive

Key Largo FL 33037




Strategic Plan at work!

In mid-2022, we conducted a Board and stakeholder session that

resulted in a three year Strategic Plan with subjective and objective

goals and inititiaves. We were remarkably successful in accomplishing

nearly all the initiatives. Having this strategic plan as a guiding document

helped immensely in achieving our primary goals of improving our

overall brand recognition and improving access to donors and potential

donors. I’m so pleased to share these results with our supporters.

Goals & Results

Initiative 1: Board Development and Engagement. A key

goal in this initiative was to add three new members to the

Board of Directors, which was accomplished!. We also

succeeeded in adding Board policies, although our goal to

create committees was not realized and will be discussed

for the future.

Initiative 2: Increase Fundraising. This four part goal

included creating a planned giving program, starting a

capital campaign, hiring a development director, and


Initiative 3: Marketing & Communication. Expanding social

media, increasing recognition, and creating a marketing plan

were the successful goals reached in this initiative. Hiring a

dedicated marketing specialist is in the works.

As part of our Strategi Plan Intiative, CEO Ginette

Hughes presented at numerous community

organization events, such as the Islamorada

Chamber or Commerce luncheon shown here.

For details on our Strategic Plan and our new board members, please visit


Initiative 4: Future Programming. Increasing the numbers

of students per year, expanding the age range of our

students, and expanding our reach geograhically to include

Caribbean island nations were all achieved as part of this


Initiative 5: Future Staffing. Policies were created to aid in

retaining excellent staff. Recruiting new staff and creating

new positions such as marketing and development staff

were also part of this initiative.

Initiative 6: Future Facilities/Equipment Needs. As part of

this initiative, we have added a new boat to our fleet and

moved forward with designing our site re-development. We

also have been working with Monroe County Planning

Department to determine our redevelopment rights.

2024 Impact


students and

teachers in




students on

full or partial


Monroe County

students at no







both offsite

and onsite


scholarships awarded!

FREE Learning

Resources units



Edward B. & Joan T. Knight Foundation

Carl & Charlotte Taylor

The Lookout Foundation

Triad Foundation

Caraline Coates

Jane Packard

Ian & Tonya Koblick

Craig Mullen & Kathleen McCue

Lindi Mallison & David Adamusko

Deborah Johnson

Jan Roehl Anderson

David Stone

Debra A. Finn

Nadeem Siddiqi

Owen Taylor

Shawn Tolley

Les Burke

Elizabeth Galeano

Lauren Dimino

Steven Guy

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